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My Story

Before enrolling in the Master of Interactive Design, I had been immersed in the realm of digital advertising in China. However, a serendipitous turn led me to embark on an entrepreneurial endeavor aimed at developing an app to address the plight of abandoned dogs in the country. Witnessing the distressing frequency of canine abandonment due to behavioral issues or other factors, I was compelled to devise a solution to assist dog owners in scientifically caring for their pets.

Throughout the app's development process, I found myself increasingly drawn to the realm of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design. This newfound interest prompted my decision to pursue further education in the Digital Media program. Upon entering the program, The program's dynamic environment and my innate passion fueled my relentless pursuit of academic objectives, including mastering interaction design theory, and acquiring proficiency in mobile design techniques. Recognizing the daunting challenge of transitioning to a design-centric field without a prior academic background, I remained undeterred by the obstacles. My ultimate personal aspiration was to evolve into a proficient interaction designer, leaving a positive impact by creating products that resonate with users on a deeply emotional level, or even to leave something in the world that brings warmth and pleasure to people.



Master of Science

My passion for UI/UX design, coupled with three years of professional training, has equipped me with rich design experience and skills. I hope to bring innovation and value to your team.


Digital Marketing


My experience as a senior market planner allows me to gain more accurate and rapid insight into the needs of customers and users.



Bachelor of Management

My studies in psychology, applied psychology, behavior, and management have given me a rich background to manage projects and understand users.

Decode My Mission

If people are made safe, comfortable, desirous of purchase, efficient, or just happier, by contact with the UI/UX design, then the designer has succeeded.



- Figma

- Sketch

- AdobeXD

- WordPress

- Wix


  Graphic Design

- Adobe Suite


  Video Design

- AdobePremiere

- FinalCutPro


- Microsoft office Word



- iWork




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